Building a single page Flask App on Digital Ocean

In this post, we'll run through how to set up a single page flask app that shows a temperature pulled from ThingSpeak has nice looking graphs, but on ThingSpeak it is actually kind of hard to see the value of an individual data point. I want to be able to see the most recent temperature point recorded by my ESP8266 WiFi weather station project on a phone or tablet. By building a flask app and hosting it on Digital Ocean, I can now view the current temperature in a nice big font from anywhere.

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Using Micropython to connect an Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266 to WiFi

This is the fifth part of a multipart series on Micropython. In the last post we used the Micropython REPL (the Microcpython prompt) running on the Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266 board to read the temperature off a temperature sensor. In this post, we are going to connect the Feather board to WiFi and post the temperature to

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Add a custom login page and assignments directory for each user on a Jupyter Hub server

This is the seventh part of a multi-part series that shows how to set up Jupyter Hub for a college class. In this post, we build a pre-spawn hook that creates an "assignments" and "notes" directory with pre-constructed assignments and notes for each JupyterHub user. We also build a custom login pages that looks much more like our college login page and contains helpful links.

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Adding Google OAuth and system service to a Jupyter Hub server

This is the sixth part of a multi-part series that shows how to set up Jupyter Hub for a college class. In this post, we will set up jupyterhub to run as a system service in the background which will allow us to work on the server and run jupyterhub at the same time. Then we will add an authentication system so that users can log into our Jupyter Hub server using github usernames and passwords. Finally we will modify the authentication system so that users can log into our Jupyer Hub server using their google usernames and passwords. The same user name and password a student uses to access their college email.

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