Installing Micropython on an Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266

This is the second part of a multipart series on Micropython. Micropython is a port of the Python programming language that runs on small, inexpensive microcontrollers. In this post, we will install Micropython on an Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266 board using Python and a package called esptool. In subsequent posts …

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What is Micropython?

This is the first part of a multipart series on Micropython. In this post we'll review what Micropython is, what it is used for and how it is both similar and different from "regular" Python. We'll also discuss why Micropython is relevant to undergraduate engineers.

1. What is Micropython?

Micropython …

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Python Data Types

Python has many useful built in data types. Python variables can store different types of data and can be created dynamically, without first defining a data type. It's useful for engineers to understand a couple of Python's core data types in order to write well constructed code. Below we will discuss a few different data types.

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Unit conversions with Python and Pint

Units and unit conversions are BIG in engineering. Engineers solve the world's problems in teams. Any problem that is solved has to have a context that it is solved in. How heavy can a rocket be and still make it off the ground? What thickness body panels should be used to keep occupants save during a crash? In engineering, a number without a unit is like a fish without water. It just flops around hopelessly without context and is useless. How can we get help using units? Programming is one way. In this post, we are going to use Python and Pint, a python package used for unit conversions, to do a couple of sample unit conversion problems.

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