How I Build This Site - Part 5

This is the fifth part in a multi-part series on how I built this site. In the last post, we installed a couple of plugins to add extra functionality to the site. These plugins enabled embedded jupyter notebooks and posts in a series. In this post we'll put a search bar at the top right of each page and add some css and javascript in order to make tables on the site look better.

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How I Build This Site - Part 4

This is the fourth part in a multi-part series on how I built this site. In the last post, we installed the pelican-bootstrap3 theme and made our site mobile responsive. Now the site looks good on all devices. In this post we are going to install a couple of plugins to add extra functionality to our site. These plugins will allow our site to have a series of post that are linked together, create a working search bar, add youtube videos to posts, view LaTeX math and add embedded jupyter notebooks in posts.

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How I Build This Site - Part 3

This is the third part in a multi-part series on how I built this site. In the last post, we used pelican-quickstart to build the framework of the site and wrote a short first post, then viewed a demo version of the site on localhost:8000. In this post we will add a custom theme to the site called pelican-bootstrap3. The pelican-bootstrap3 theme looks great and is mobile responsive so it will make the site look good on phones and tablets. Then we'll add some custom css to personalize the look of the theme.

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How I Build This Site - Part 2

This is the second part in a multi-part series on how I built this site. In the last post, we set up our development environment including Python, a new virtual environment, installed the pelican and markdown packages and set up git. In this post, we will use the pelican-quickstart command to get the blog off the ground. We are also going to create a file and serve up the website locally so we can take a look at it.

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How I Build This Site - Part 1

This is the first part of a multi-part series on how I built this site. In this first post, we'll review the development environments, Python, virtual environments, installing Python packages and set up git.

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