Building an IoT Server with flask and Python - Part 5 Adding a Database

two temps shown

This is the fifth part of a series of posts about building an Internet of Things (IoT) server with flask, Python and ESP8266 microcontrollers. In this post, we'll add a sqlite3 database to our flask IoT server to store all the temperature data points that come in from our ESP8266-based …

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Using Micropython to connect an Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266 to WiFi

This is the fifth part of a multipart series on Micropython. In the last post we used the Micropython REPL (the Microcpython prompt) running on the Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266 board to read the temperature off a temperature sensor. In this post, we are going to connect the Feather board to WiFi and post the temperature to

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