Creating a new Digital Ocean Droplet

This is the third part of a multi-part series on how to set up Jupyter Hub for a class. My goal is to have a running version of Jupyter Hub that students can access using a simple web link. I am primarily writing to my future self as I may need to set up Jupyter Hub again for a future class. In this post, we are going to create a new Digital Ocean server (called a droplet) and create a non-root user with sudo privileges. Then we'll SSH into the droplet with PuTTY as the non-root user.

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Create an SSH Key with PuTTYgen

This is the second part of a multi-part series on how to set up Jupyter Hub for a class. This is my first time setting up a Jupyter Hub server. I am primarily writing to my future self as I may need to set up Jupyter Hub again for another class. In this post, we are going to create an SSH key on a Windows 10 machine using PuTTYgen.

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Why Jupyter Hub?

This is the first part of a multi-part series that shows how to set up Jupyter Hub for an engineering programming class. This is my first time setting up a Jupyter Hub server. I am primarily writing to my future self as I may need to set up a Jupyter Hub server again for a different class in another quarter. I hope the lessons learned will also help other instructors tackle the same problem if they want to set up Jupyter Hub for their own class or team.

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