Building an IoT Server with flask and Python - Part 2 Set Up

This post is the second part of a series of posts which detail building an Internet-of-Things (IoT) server with flask, Python and ESP8266 microcontrollers. In this post, we'll describe server setup and microcontroller hardware used in the project.

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Building an IoT Server with Flask and Python - Part 1 Motivation

This post is the first part of a series of blog posts about building an Internet-of-Things (IoT) server with flask, Python and ESP8266 microcontrollers. In this post we'll I'll discuss the problem I'm trying to solve and the issues I have with the current solution. We'll also review what the …

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Building a single page Flask App on Digital Ocean

In this post, we'll run through how to set up a single page flask app that shows a temperature pulled from ThingSpeak has nice looking graphs, but on ThingSpeak it is actually kind of hard to see the value of an individual data point. I want to be able to see the most recent temperature point recorded by my ESP8266 WiFi weather station project on a phone or tablet. By building a flask app and hosting it on Digital Ocean, I can now view the current temperature in a nice big font from anywhere.

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